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Post: 09.09.2007 @ 22:06:21 
Ameryka?skie wied?minki 1.

Ju? od dawna polscy socjologowie zamartwiaj? si? brakiem tzw. wzorców
osobowych. Ot, poszczególni dowódcy ze Star Trek s? wzorami do
na?ladowania, a pilot Pirx - raczej nie. Typ bohatera zmienia si? w
zale?no?ci od czasu i miejsca. Wspóln? cech? starogreckich herosów by?a
nie tyle si?a fizyczna (Herakles, Tezeusz), co uroda, m?ska moc i p?odno??
(Herakles, Tezeusz, Jazon, Perseusz). Dawni bohaterowie europejscy od
Robin Hooda po Janosika zwi?zani byli z marzeniem o wyrwaniu si? z
nieusuwalnej, dziedzicznej biedy - zabierali bogatym i oddawali biednym.
Innymi s?owy: bohater danej kultury odzwierciedla bol?czki tej kultury.
Jakie bol?czki odzwierciedla zestaw bohaterów, którzy szybciej strzelaj?
(Billy Kid, Wyatt Earp), dysponuj? nadludzkim wyszkoleniem bojowym
(Batman), nadludzkimi cechami (Spiderman), s? odporni na wszelk? bro?
(Superman, Hellboy) i zwalczaj? Z?o, wcielone w zorganizowan?
przest?pczo?? przenikaj?c? struktury w?adzy? Warto zauwa?y?, ?e bracia
Earp i Doc Holliday byliby bezradni wobec serii z karabinu maszynowego
wystrzelonej z jad?cego samochodu, wi?c bohater musia? by? dostosowywany
do post?pu technicznego. Jak bardzo brak poczucia bezpiecze?stwa
przedstawicielom kultury, w której dzieci nie potrafi? ?y? bez Justice
League of America, The Fantastic Four czy cho?by zmutowanych ?ó?wi Ninja?
Oczywi?cie wszyscy bohaterowie kultury masowej w wi?kszym lub mniejszym
stopniu podejmuj? prace wied?mi?skie - zwalczaj? potwory.
Inna ciekawa osobliwo?? to ?e?scy bohaterowie. Vampirella z Draculonu
(planeta Draculon) jest wampirem, który nie atakuje ludzi, a zwalcza
niebezpieczne wampiry; jej zmys?owy wizerunek podnieca nastolatków od
wrze?nia 1969 roku. Lady Death rozmy?a si? w ró?nych osobowo?ciach i
historiach, ale pojawia si? do dzi?. Najbardziej chyba konsekwentn?
wied?mink?-bohaterem-wzorcem osobowym jest Detective Sara Pezzini -
nosicielka Witchblade: cho? serial poci?gn?? tylko dwa sezony, orygina?
komiksowy ukazuje si? od ko?ca 1995 roku do dzi? (czekamy na zeszyt 110) z
licznymi dodatkami, cross-over i nawrotami. Special Agent Jane Vasco -
Painkiller Jane pojawia si? jako komiks od 1995 a serial w?a?nie ko?czy
pierwszy sezon (wy?wietlono odcinek 20). Nawet Lara Croft - Tombraider -
musi wci?? porzuca? poszukiwanie cudownych artefaktów w grobowcach ca?ego
?wiata, by zwalcza? Z?o, a nawet ratowa? ?wiat. Wiecie, ?e Lara Croft jest
serdeczn? przyjació?k? Sary Pezzini?
Pewnym prze?omem w wizji ?e?skiego bohatera-wied?minki by?a Buffy Anne
Summers - Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Podsumowanie wywiadu z twórc?:

Writer Joss Whedon developed Buffy to invert the
Hollywood formula of the little blonde girl who
goes into a dark alley and gets killed in every
horror movie. Whedon wanted to subvert that idea
and create someone who was a hero. He explained:

The very first mission statement of the show, was
the joy of female power: having it, using it,
sharing it.

Buffy (po filmie pe?nometra?owym) mieszka w fikcyjnym miasteczku Sunnydale
w Kalifornii, którego lokaln? osobliwo?ci? jest Hellmouth, przyci?gaj?ce
wampiry i demony. Zatem po relgowaniu z gimnazjum w Los Angeles za
spalenie (pe?nej wampirów) sali gimnastycznej znalaz?a si? na
najw?a?ciwszym miejscu. Buffy jest bohaterem modzie?owym - przybywa do
Sunnydale w wieku 15 lat, a schodzi z ekranu w wieku 21 lat. Jedn? z
g?ównych my?li Jossa Whedona jest, ?e ka?de miasto i miasteczko ma w
obfito?ci w?asne Hellmouth - w?a?nie gimnazjum. O ostro?ci spojrzenia
Jossa Whedona ?wiadczy zawik?ana historia odcinka 52 (3x16) Earshot, który
wyemitowano we wrze?niu nast?pnego roku: w odcinku jeden z uczniów
pojawia? si? na wie?y ze sztucerem (Ruger Model 77 Mark 2), a tu? przed
jego wy?wietleniem:
On April 20, 1999, in Littleton, Colorado, two teenage boys committed mass
murder at their high school (Columbine High School), injuring many and
killing 13 before killing themselves. This, understandably, sent the
nation into an uproar. Earshot was scheduled to air just one week later,
but due to the content (a student's apparent plot to commit mass murder at
Sunnydale High), and a few lines in particular, the WB decided it would be
best not to air this episode so soon after the tragedy in Colorado. Joss
Whedon supported the decision. The episode was finally aired on September
21, 1999.
Buffy odwraca te? ameryka?sk? kolej rzeczy: najpierw film i serial, a
potem komiks.
Ca?kowicie nieameryka?ska kolej rzeczy: najpierw cykl powie?ciowy, potem
komiks (aktualnie 6 zeszytów pierwszego tomu i dwa prequela) to Anita
Blake Vampire Hunter pióra Laurell K. Hamilton. W pewnym sensie Anita
Blake jest kontynuacj? Buffy Summers: Buffy zesz?a z ekranu w wieku 21
lat, a Anita Blake rozpoczyna karier? w wieku 21 lat (w pierwszym tomie -
Guilty Pleasures, 1993 - ma 24 lata; w ostatnich wydanych ma 27 lat). S?
ró?nice: Buffy traci matk? w wieku 19 lat, a Anita Blake - w wieku o?miu

I was eight years old when my mother died, and my father couldn't handle
We got a phone call from a state trooper that told us she was dead. My
dropped the phone and started to wail, not cry, wail. He took me by the
and walked the few blocks to my grandmother's house, wailing, leading me by
the hand. By the time we got to my grandmother's we had a crowd of
all asking what was wrong, what was wrong. I was the one who turned to my
neighbors and said, 'My mommy's dead.' My father was collapsed in the bosom
of his family, and I was left standing alone, uncomforted, unheld, tears on
my face, telling the neighbors what had happened.

To by?a pierwsza z serii utrat, które ukszta?towa?y osobowo?? Anity. Kiedy
nieoczekiwanie musi przeprowadzi? magiczn? ceremoni?, której towarzyszy
wymiana wspomnie? z dwoma innymi istotami, nie umie znale?? szcz??liwych
wspomnie?. Buffy by?a szcz??liwa po ?mierci w odcinku 100 (5x22) -
uwa?a?a, ?e jest w niebie, póki jej przyjaciele nie przywo?ali jej z grobu
wierz?c, ?e trafi?a do piek?a (sie? posiadaj?ca prawa autorskie do serialu
postanowi?a go zako?czy?; inna sie? odkupi?a prawa i poci?gn??a jeszcze
dwa sezony). Anicie Blake jak dot?d zdarzy?a si? najwy?ej ?mier?
kliniczna, ale te? uwa?ana jest przez innych za pot?pion? (papie?
ekskomunikowa? wszystkich wykonuj?cych jej pierwszy zawód; w ósmym tomie
sorcerer przywo?uj?cy piekielnego demona liczy?, ?e Anita nie przekroczy
magicznego kr?gu ochrony przed z?em - i przeliczy? si?; w dziewi?tym tomie
porucznik Marks z policji w Albouquerque przegania wezwan? jako eksperta
Anit? z miejsca zbrodni cytatem z Biblii:
He spoke low, but it carried, Thou shalt not
suffer a witch to live.
I thought of a lot of things to say, and do,
most of which would have gotten me dragged
out by a bunch of uniforms. I didn't want
to be dragged out, but I wanted to make Marks
suffer. Choices, choices.
I rose on tiptoe and planted a big kiss on his
mouth. He stumbled back, pushing away from me
so hard that he fell into the bedroom and left
me pushed into the hallway beyond. Masculine
laughter filled the hallway. Two bright spots
of color flamed on Marks' cheeks as he lay
panting on the carpet.
You're lying in your evidence, Marks, I said.
Get her out of here, now.

dialog z 15 tomu:

Do you worry about getting into heaven, Ms. Blake?
It was such an odd question that I answered it. I did,
for a while, but my faith still makes my cross glow.
My prayers still have the power to chase the evil
things away. God hasn't forsaken me; it's just that
all the right-wing fundamentalist Christians want to
believe he has. I've seen evil, Malcolm, real evil,
and you aren't that.
He smiled, and it was gentle, and almost embarrassed.
Have I come to you for absolution, Ms. Blake?
I don't think I'm the one to give you absolution.
I would like a priest to hear my sins before I die,
Ms. Blake, but none will come near me. They are holy,
and the very trappings of their calling will burst
into flames in my presence.
Not true. The holy items only go off if the true
believer panics, or if you try vampire powers on them.
He blinked at me, and I realized his eyes held unshed
tears, shimmering in the overhead lights. Is this
true, Ms. Blake?
I promise it is. His attitude was beginning to make
me afraid for him. I didn't want to be afraid for Malcolm.
I had enough people in my life that I cared for enough
to worry about; I did not need to add the undead Billy
Graham to my list.)

Oczywist? zbie?no?ci? mi?dzy Buffy Summers i Anit? Blake s? romanse z

Ró?nica mi?dzy Buffy i Anit? Blake bierze si? z wieku (a wi?c i adresata
utworu). To tak, jak Kir Bu?yczow mówi? o Alicji (dziewczynce, której nie
mo?e si? sta? nic z?ego) i Korze Orwath: to ta sama osoba, tylko Alicja
by?a dzieckiem, a Kora jest doros?a, wi?c te? ma ?ycie p?ciowe. Buffy
funkcjonuje w piekle high school (gimnazjum) i college'u (liceum); Anita
jest doros?a, ma licencjat z biologii pozanaturalnej, pracuje i ma ?ycie

Jedna z najwa?niejszych ró?nic mi?dzy kultur? ameryka?sk? a europejsk? te?
jest zwi?zana z wiekiem. Kiedy kszta?towa?a si? kultura europejska,
u?ywano mieczy i toporów; kultura ameryka?ska kszta?towa?a si? pod znakiem
Colta. Ot, nasze gro?by dotycz? g?owy (uci??, urwa?, rozwali? ?eb, da? w
?eb czy po g?owie), ameryka?skie gro?by dotycz?... ty?ka (shoot his ass,
kick ass).
Anita Blake u?ywa miecza tylko gdy go znajdzie i nie mo?e u?y? ani
Browninga Hi Power i Firestara (do 14 tomu), ani Browninga BDM i Kahr'a.
Chocia? na takie sytuacje nosi trzy no?e: dwa na przedramionach (lub na
udach - gdy jest w sukience bez r?kawów) i trzeci, ponad 30 cm ostrze, na
plecach, z r?koje?ci? ukryt? pod w?osami. No?e ze stali z najwy?sz?
mo?liw? zawarto?ci? srebra.

Jednak Anita Blake ma sporo wspólnego z wied?minem. Na pocz?tek dwa
Geralt (CzP):
Wied?min odwróci? si?. Spojrza? na g?sto podziurawione oblicze na
portrecie i
na utkwiony w nim orion. A potem zamkn?? oczy.
Gwiazda zawy?a i hukn??a w ?cian? cztery cale od ramy portretu.
- Jasna cholera! - wrzasn?? Codringher. - Nawet nie drgn??e?, ty sukinsynu!
Geralt odwróci? si? i u?miechn??. Niezwykle paskudnie.
- A po co mia?em drga?? S?ysza?em, ?e rzucasz tak, by nie trafi?.
Anita Blake (Guilty Pleasures):
He moved with a liquid quickness that Willie had never had, but
I saw him move and was one step back from his reaching hand.
I'm not just another pretty face to fall for mind tricks.
You saw me move.
I heard you move. You're the new dead, Willie. Vampire or not,
you've got a lot to learn.
He was frowning at me, hand still half-extended towards me.
Maybe, but no human could a stepped outta reach like that.
He stepped up close to me, plaid jacket nearly brushing against
me. Pressed together like that, we were nearly the same height,
short. His eyes were on a perfect level with mine. I stared as
hard as I could at his shoulder. It took everything I had not
to step back from him. But dammit, undead or not, he was Willie
McCoy. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction. He said,
You ain't human, any more than I am.

I tu pojawia si? nast?pny wspólny drobiazg. Wied?mini (i wampiry u Laurell
K. Hamilton) rozpoczynaj? ?ycie jako ludzie. S? zamieniani w co? innego.

Geralt (ZP):
G?owa upad?a na ?wir.
Potworów jest coraz mniej?
A ja? Czym ja jestem?
(Bez trudu podacie wi?cej cytatów).
Anita Blake:
t. 2 The Laughing Corpse:
The first light of dawn passed like milk on the eastern sky.
The wind died with the light. Wanda knelt in the bloody grass,
crying. I knelt beside her. She jerked back at my touch. I
guess I couldn't blame her, but it bothered me anyway.
We have to get out of here. You need a doctor, I said.
She stared up at me. What are you?
Today for the first time I didn't know how to answer that
question. Human didn't seem to cover it. I'm an animator,
I said finally.
She just kept staring at me. I wouldn't have believed me either.
But she let me help her up. I guess that was something.
But she kept looking at me out of the edge of her eyes. Wanda
considered me one of the monsters. She may have been right.
t. 3. Circus of the Damned:
Raising the dead makes a lot of people class me with the monsters.
There are even days when I agree with them.
t. 3. Circus of the Damned:
Loving the monsters always ends badly for the human. It's a rule.
That brought me to Richard. He was one of the monsters, but he
was alive. That was an improvement over Jean-Claude. And was he
any less human than I was: zombie queen, vampire slayer,
necromancer? Who was I to complain?
t. 4. Lunatic cafe
You had to begin to wonder why the monsters were so damn
comfortable around me. I raised zombies and slew vampires.
Who was I to throw stones?
t. 5. Bloody Bones
Can the compliments, Magnus. It won't get you anywhere.
What would get me somewhere?
I sighed. I've got too many men on my plate now.
That's the God's honest truth, Larry muttered.
I frowned at him.
I'm not asking you out on a date. I'm asking you into my bed.
I frowned at Magnus. No, glared was a better word. Not in this
Sex between supernatural beings is always amazing, Anita.
I'm not a supernatural being.
Now who's splitting hairs?
(Magnus Bouvier jest w cz??ci elfem - faerie).
t. 7. Burnt Offerings
You just spend too much time with the damn monsters, Anita.
I don't mean who you date. I mean all of it. You've played
by their rules so long, sometimes you forget what it's like
to be normal.
I smiled. I raise the dead for a living, Dolph. I've never
been normal.
He shook his head. Don't purposely misunderstand what I'm
saying, Anita. It's not the fur or the fangs that make you
a monster, not always. Sometimes, it's just where you draw
the line.

Ci?g dalszy zapewne nast?pi...

Z powa?aniem
Marek Szyjewski
Ziemia = kula u nogi

Na górę
Post: 09.09.2007 @ 23:51:45 
W ci?gu dalszym mo?e znalaz?oby si? miejsce na ma?? wstawk? zachaczaj?c?
o Kraj Kwitn?cej Wi?ni i 26 odcinkowe anime Witch Hunter Robin . S?dz?,
?e ?adnie wpisuje si? w wied?mi?skie klimaty w wydaniu XXI wiecznym.


Na górę
Post: 10.09.2007 @ 1:09:00 
Z rzeczy ostatnio znalezionych:
Artykul z Dziennika, o cyklu Narrenturmowym:
http://www.dziennik.pl/Default.aspx?Tab ... leId=58279

Wpis na Politykowym blogu Technopolis:



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