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Post: 10.09.2007 @ 19:51:28 
Ameryka??skie wied??minki 2

W??a??ciwie powinienem uwa??aÄ? - wklejanie fragment??w tekstu chronionego
prawami autorskimi... To znaczy, ??e autor za ma??e pieniÄ?dze sprzeda??
wydawcy monopol na swoje dzie??o. Nabywca praw mo??e u??yÄ? monopolu by nie
dopu??ciÄ? do wydania ksiÄ???ki czy nakrÄ?cenia filmu; mo??e te?? zbiÄ? na dziele
majÄ?tek. Wydawcy dowiadujÄ? siÄ?, ??e ile?? tam os??b, dziÄ?ki internetowi i
zapale??com, trawiÄ?cym dziesiÄ?tki godzin bez ??adnej zap??aty, korzysta z
dzie??a i podnoszÄ? piek??o. Nie tak dawno temu dziÄ?ki doniesieniu policji
niemieckiej (czytaj: na polecenie) polska policja zamknÄ???a autor??w napis??w
do film??w zwiÄ?zanych z witrynÄ? napisy.org.pl. Jako ??e zmiana z milicji
obywatelskiej na policjÄ? (jak ka??da zmiana - w my??l prawa Parkinsona)
pociÄ?gnÄ???a za sobÄ? lawinowy rozrost biurokracji, dumni z aresztowania
uzdolnionych jÄ?zykowo nastolatk??w policjanci zasiedli do swoich komputer??w
z pirackimi Windowsami i zaczÄ?li wpisywaÄ? dane w rubryki raport??w i
sprawozda?? w pirackich Office'ach... Tak, sÄ?dy starajÄ? siÄ? o legalne
oprogramowanie, ale przeniesienie do komputer??w dokumentacji zajmie im ze
sto lat. I wielu pracownik??w wciÄ??? potrzebuje pirackiego Lex'a, bo
specjali??ci kupili za ma??o legalnych. Ale policja - w przeciwie??stwie do
sÄ?d??w - nie mo??e nieograniczenie podnosiÄ? op??at za wszystkie czynno??ci,
nie staÄ? jej na komputery dla ka??dego krawÄ???nika , ??e o legalnym
oprogramowaniu nie wspomnÄ?. WiÄ?c krawÄ???nik kupuje to, na co go staÄ?, bo
inaczej nie wyrobi siÄ? z papierami. I waczy z piractwem...

Gdyby zastanowiÄ? siÄ? definicjami, to mo??na doj??Ä? do wniosku, ??e prawdziwym
piratem z regu??y jest w??a??nie w??a??ciciel praw autorskich. Narzekamy stale
na ksiÄ???ki bez korekty i redakcji (jak je??yki w drugim rozdziale PJ),
fatalne przek??ady. Wiemy, ??e bez korekty i redakcji, z nowym t??umaczem dla
ka??dego tomu cyklu jest taniej - wiÄ?kszy zysk. Niema co siÄ? zastanawiaÄ?,
gdzie przepad??y tradycje sztuki edytorskiej od Hieronima Wietor i Floriana
Ungera. ZastÄ?pi??y je nowe wzorce. Oto dopisek pirata do dostÄ?pnej w
Internecie wersji dwunastego tomu cyklu Anita Blake Vampire Hunter:

Version History
1.0 â?? scanned, formatted, and spell-checked. Obviously, wasnâ??t
spell-checked by the production department at Penguin/Berkley before the
manuscript was sent to the typesetter-Iâ??m talking around a spelling error
per page, including spelling particular as particliar and suave as
sauve throughout. I didnâ??t fix anything which wasnâ??t an obvious and
blatant spelling errorâ??if it could have possibly be interpreted as an
authorial voice choice, I left it alone, and if Hamilton wants to write
midmorning instead of mid-morning, who cares. Itâ??s spelling hospital
as hoptial that risks breaking the readersâ?? trace, or using wretch
(the noun) when retch the verb was what was intended. All authors make
typos, and many find it difficult or impossible to detail-proofread their
own workâ??which is why proofreaders and spellcheckers are standard for
published works. The real problem with typos in books is that they jar the
reader from the readerâ??s trance â??making the reading experience, on a
subconscious levelâ??less enthralling (and hence less entertaining, and less
commercially successful, particularly with the authorâ??s following works).
I have never seen a published book with this many typos before (and Iâ??ve
read thousands).
It's disgraceful when the evil pirates scanning books, like me,
obviously care far more about the quality of the finished product than the
major white-hat all-knowing publishers do. Trust me, the proofreading
was so bad that this novel in its hardcover form, instead of being an
interesting but controversial examination of dark sexual impulses, read
like illiterate porn from the alt.sex newsgroups.
Otherwise, itâ??s a decent read.

WiÄ?c kto jest prawdziwym piratem, rabujÄ?cym autor??w i czytelnik??w ksiÄ???ek?
Mo??e inny epitet bardziej pasuje? Na przyk??ad ghul albo i graveir? Bo

- Hmm... Ghul, wuju Vesemirze, to potw??r, kt??ry po??era trupy. NapotkaÄ? go
mo??na na cmentarzyskach, w okolicach kurhan??w, wszÄ?dzie, gdzie grzebie siÄ?
zmar??ych. W nek... nekropoliach. Na pobojowiskach, na polach bitew...
- Niebezpieczny jest wiÄ?c tylko dla nieboszczyk??w, tak?
- Nie, nie tylko. ??ywych ghul r??wnie?? napada. Je??li jest g??odny lub gdy
wpadnie w sza??. Je??li na przyk??ad jest bitwa... Du??o poleg??ych ludzi...

Pierwszy zaw??d Anity Blake to animator(ka). Anita animuje zw??oki -
wychodzÄ? z grobu, po skosztowaniu krwi odzyskujÄ? pamiÄ?Ä? (natomiast nie
majÄ? woli); mogÄ? rozstrzygnÄ?Ä?, kt??ra wersja testamentu jest w??a??ciwa,
podpisaÄ? umowÄ?, z??o??yÄ? zeznania, po??wiadczyÄ? w??asno??Ä?, wyt??umaczyÄ? siÄ?
przed molestowanymi dzieÄ?mi... jako zombie. W ??wiecie Anity Blake,
przypominajÄ?cym USA z prze??omu XX i XXI wieku na takie us??ugi jest
wystarczajÄ?cy popyt, ??eby prosperowa??y trzy firmy oferujÄ?ce takie us??ugi.
Anita w kr??tkim czasie zdobywa opiniÄ? najlepszego animatora w kraju; jest
te?? znana za granicÄ?. Wrodzone zdolno??ci, kt??re pozwalajÄ? cz??owiekowi
zostaÄ? animatorem dajÄ? mu czÄ???ciowÄ? czÄ???ciowÄ? odporno??Ä? na wampirze uroki
(w miarÄ? rozwoju Anita staje siÄ? odporna na spojrzenie i moc
ponadtysiÄ?cletnich wampir??w, wiÄ?c jej Regis by nie zahipnotyzowa??). StÄ?d
drugi zaw??d Anity - kat wampir??w. Nie da siÄ? wampira zatrzymaÄ? wbrew jego
woli w wiÄ?zieniu czy areszcie, wiÄ?c za przestÄ?pstwa jest tylko jedna kara
dla wampir??w. Nie da siÄ? ich wbrew ich woli doprowadziÄ? na salÄ? sÄ?dowÄ?,
wiÄ?c wyroki zapadajÄ? zaocznie - sÄ?dzia wydaje nakaz egzekucji, a w stanach
Missouri, Illinois i chyba jeszcze jednym czy dw??ch wykonawcÄ? tych nakaz??w
jest Anita Blake. Trzeci zaw??d Anity Blake to ekspert policyjny. Pomaga
wyspecjalizowanej w pozanaturalnych (preternatural) sprawach jednostce
policji w St. Louis, zatrudniona jako ekspert przez sier??anta (potem
porucznika) Rudolpha Storr, zwanego Dolph. Anita Blake wie o ghulach
wiÄ?cej ni?? wied??mini wymagajÄ?.
W pierwszym tomie (Guilty Pleasures):

Well, he said.
That's Dolph, a man of many words. It was a ghoul attack.
I shrugged. And there are no ghouls in this cemetery.
He stared down at me, face carefully neutral. He was good at that, didn't
like to influence his people. You just said it was a ghoul attack.
Yes, but they came from somewhere outside the cemetery.
I have never known of any ghouls to travel this far outside their own
cemetery. I stared at him, trying to see if he understood what I was
Tell me about ghouls, Anita. He had his trusty little notebook out, pen
poised and ready.
This cemetery is still holy ground. Cemeteries that have ghoul
infestations are usually very old or have satanic or certain voodoo rites
performed in them. The evil sort of uses up the blessing, until the ground
becomes unholy. Once that happens, ghouls either move in or rise from the
graves. No one's sure exactly which.
Wait, what do you mean, that no one knows?
He shook his head, staring at the notes he'd made, frowning. Explain.
Vampires are made by other vampires. Zombies are raised from the grave by
an animator or voodoo priest. Ghouls, as far as we know, just crawl out of
their graves on their own. There are theories that very evil people become
ghouls. I don't buy that. There was a theory for a while that people
bitten by a supernatural being, wereanimal, vampire, whatever, would
become a ghoul. But I've seen whole cemeteries emptied, every corpse a
ghoul. No way they were all attacked by supernatural forces while alive.
All right, we don't know where ghouls come from. What do we know?
Ghouls don't rot like zombies. They retain their form more like vampires.
They are more than animal intelligent, but not by much. They are cowards
and won't attack a person unless she is hurt or unconscious.
They sure as hell attacked the groundskeeper.
He could have been knocked unconscious somehow.
Someone would have had to knock him out.
Is that likely?
No, ghouls don't work with humans, or any other undead. A zombie will
obey orders, vampires have their own thoughts. Ghouls are like pack
animals, wolves maybe, but a lot more dangerous. They wouldn't be able to
understand working with someone. If you're not a ghoul, you're either meat
or something to hide from.
Then what happened here?
Dolph, these ghouls traveled quite a distance to reach this cemetery.
There isn't another one for miles. Ghouls don't travel like that. So
maybe, just maybe, they attacked the caretaker when he came to scare them
off. They should have run from him; maybe they didn't.
Could it be something, or someone, pretending to be ghouls?
Maybe, but I doubt it. Whoever it was, they ate that man. A human might
do that, but a human couldn't tear the body apart like that. They just
don't have the strength.
Vampires don't eat meat.
Maybe. There are rare cases where zombies go a little crazy and start
attacking people. They seem to crave flesh. If they don't get it, they'll
start to decay.
I thought zombies always decayed.
Flesh-eating zombies last a lot longer than normal. There's one case of a
woman who is still human-looking after three years.
They let her go around eating people?
I smiled. They feed her raw meat. I believe the article said lamb was
Every career has its professional journal, Dolph.
What's it called?
I shrugged. The Animator, what else?

i trochÄ? dalej:

There was the sound of scrabbling claws on metal. I whirled. A ghoul sat
on top of my car. It was naked and looked as if a human being had been
stripped and dipped into silver-grey paint, almost metallic. But the teeth
and claws on its hands and feet were long and black, curved talons. The
eyes glowed crimson.
Edward moved up beside me, gun in his hand.
I had my gun out, too. Practice, practice, and you don't have to think
about it.
What's it doing up there? he asked.
Don't know. I waved my free hand at it and said, Scat!
It crouched, staring at me. Ghouls are cowards; they don't attack healthy
human beings. I took two steps, waving my gun at it. Go away, shoo! Any
show of force sends them scuttling away. This one just sat there. I backed
Edward, I said, softly.
'I didn't sense any ghouls in this cemetery.
So? You missed one.
There's no such thing as just one ghoul. They travel in packs. And you
don't miss them. They leave a sort of psychic stench behind. Evil.
Anita. His voice was soft, normal, but not normal. I glanced where he
was looking and saw two more ghouls creeping up behind us.
We stood almost back to back, guns pointing out. I saw a ghoul attack
earlier this week. Healthy man killed, a cemetery where there were no
Sounds familiar, he said.
Yeah. Bullets won't kill them.
I know. What are they waiting for? he asked.
Courage, I think.

i jeszcze:

Of course. How are you getting the ghouls out of their cemetery? How come
they obey your orders?
You know the theory that if you bury an animator in a cemetery, you get
When I came out of the grave, they came with me, and they were mine.
I glanced at the creatures and found that there were more of them. At
least twenty, a big pack. So you're saying that's where ghouls come
from. I shook my head. There aren't enough animators in the world to
account for all the ghouls.
I've been thinking about that, he said. I think that the more zombies
you raise in a cemetery, the greater your chances for ghouls.
You mean like a cumulative effect?
Exactly. I've been wanting to talk this over with another animator, but
you see the problem.

NatÄ?pny tom (The Laughing Corpse) i nastÄ?pne miejsce przestÄ?pstwa, czyli

Most dead don't bleed, except for vampires.
Freshly dead zombies can bleed, but vampires bleed almost like a person.
You don't think it was a vampire then?
If it was, then it ate human flesh. Vampires can't digest solid food.
Too far from a cemetery, and there'd be more destruction of the house.
Ghouls would tear up furniture like wild animals.

i jeszcze:

Most vampires have to return to their coffins before dawn. Ghouls stay in
underground tunnels, like giant moles. If it was either of those I'd say
the creature was out here somewhere waiting for nightfall.

Tom czwarty (The Lunatic Cafe):

I could have told him that earlier in the summer Dolph had tried not
calling me in right away. It had seemed like a clear-cut case of ghouls in
a cemetery getting a little ambitious and attacking a necking couple.
Ghouls were cowards and didn't attack able-bodied people, but exceptions
to the rule and all that. By the time Dolph called me in, six people were
dead. It hadn't been ghouls. So lately Dolph had started calling me at the
beginning before things got too messy. Sometimes I could diagnose a
problem before it got out of hand.

Tom ??smy (Blue Moon):

Was the body found near a cemetery? I asked.
Dr. Onslow shook her head.
Why? Richard asked.
It could have been ghouls. They're cowards, but if she'd fallen and
knocked herself unconscious, ghouls would have fed on her. They are active
What's that mean? Dr. Onslow asked. Active scavenger?
It means if you're wounded and reduced to crawling, you don't want to be
in a ghoul-infested cemetery.
She stared up at me, then finally shook her head. No graves. Just in the
middle of our land. In the middle of the trolls' territory.

[Dr. Carrie Onslow ma doktorat z biologii i nie zna terminu active

Tom trzynasty (Micah):

Sometimes very old cemeteries, especially those that haven't been used in
a while, like this one, can become unconsecrated. It's like they need to
be re-blessed before they qualify as consecrated ground again.
And that would affect the zombie how?
Micah's arms relaxed minutely, so that we were still holding each other
but not pressed so fiercely against each other. He was right â?? we were
going to be here awhile. I relaxed into his arms.
Well, it could mean there were ghouls in the cemetery, and they're
attracted to the freshly dead. They would have burrowed into the new grave
and eaten Mr. Rose by now. There might, or might not, have been left
enough of him for him to be able talk to you.
Ghouls, really? He started to ask something else, but I think it was
only curiosity and not the case, because he shook his head and frowned.
Did you sense any ghouls?
No, your honor. The fact that I'd actually dropped shields more by
accident than design would be our little secret. I'd told the truth about
the ghouls, but they hadn't been why my power danced out over the graves.

Kalendarz u??ywany w ??wiecie Anity Blake przypomina nasz. Akcja ka??dego
tomu trwa kilka dni i nocy oko??o weekendu. Tom podzielony jest na
rozdzia??y, kt??re (w znakomitej wiÄ?kszo??ci) podlegajÄ? zasadzie jedno??ci
miejsca i czasu. Czy mo??na m??wiÄ?, ??e cykl wpisuje siÄ? w wied??mi??skie
klimaty w wydaniu XXI wiecznym ? Hmmm... To mo??e byÄ? tak, jak z rypniÄ?tym
kalendarzem w Sadze, kiedy z okre??lenia terminu nastÄ?pnego sabatu przez
FilippÄ? Eilhart w ChO wynika??y trzydziestosiedmiodniowe miesiÄ?ce
ksiÄ???ycowe w Sapkozji. Mianowicie w tomie trzecim (Circus of the Damned)
Halloween jest w piÄ?tek (u nas np. 1997, 2003), tom czwarty dzieje siÄ? w
grudniu, dwa tygodnie przed ?šwiÄ?tami, a najbli??szy dzie?? ??w. Patryka (tom
piÄ?ty Bloody Bones) - te?? w piÄ?tek (u nas - 1995, 2000, 2006). Albo inny
kalendarz, albo kto?? siÄ? rypnÄ??? jak Ashhhh... Filippa.

CiÄ?g dalszy byÄ? mo??e nastÄ?pi...

Z powa??aniem
Marek Szyjewski
Ziemia = kula u nogi

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